The Holy Ghost

One night a man woke up before the sun, and felt overwhelmed by a very real presence in the room. Some have said that a holy-fire can come to rest upon the head of an anointed fleshly soul on earth, and might just be made manifest by the speaking of tongues. Has this happened to you? Was it real? Is it live?


The Dropout – New Podcast, Blog, Research


This episode of The MAPP is to inform listeners of a new research project that includes a Blog, Podcast, and Documentary (Spring 2019):

Compulsion and volition: A Foucauldian genealogy of the high-school dropout.


This project will be submitted in partial completion for a Doctorate of Philosophy degree in School Improvement from Texas State University.





Follow the process here:

Acid Flashback: Market St., San Francisco 06/05/04

3,2,1, Boom!


In this 29th episode of The MAPP, we go into the vaults and pull out some interesting files from yesteryear. This particular file is from an audio montage captured at an anti-war protest in San Francisco, CA.


The protest was an impassioned and inspiring march toward justice, at once physical and philosophical. I was on hand, as part of a group of activist hippies traversing to SF from Eugene, OR.

The interviews were recorded on-site, mostly on Market Street, downtown San Francisco.


The characters captured in the interviews are anonymous, apart from the ambiguous nomenclature given them by this author. Psychedelic preparations are an ever in-born concept.



The Quenchblot


In this 27th episode of The MAPP, Isaac coins a new term, “quenchblot”.

A quenchblot is a metaphorical concept for the social space wherein any one of us might tend to find our selves. It can be both a literal place, or a symbol of space, inhabited by a real person or an abstract element of the same person. 


The qualities associated with a quenchblot are:

Lowliness, loss, abandonment, hatred, abuse, physical contact, and death.


Survival, redemption, renewal, transcendence, wisdom, power, and eternity.


The term quenchblot was borne out of personal experience inextricably twined with pop-culture, literature, tool making, and Structural Equation Modeling.



Kline, R.B., (2016). Principles and practice of structural

  equation modeling. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.



Boxing & Race: Mayweather vs. McGregor

In this 25th episode of The MAPP, we discuss the coming boxing match between Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor through the lens of race and symbolism. Sports and race are inextricable elements of the U.S. social soup being served to the world.
Black athletes overwhelmingly dominate almost every sport imaginable, and the status-quo and bourgeoisie global populous are always chomping at the bit for a new, so-called “great white hope”, to come strolling in from off of the horizon, like John Wayne or Chuck Liddell, and tell some dirty-faced rascal to get out of town or die. That archetypal figure today is Conor McGregor, and he has been summoned by the global minority, collective psyche to stand in front of the master of the Black martial arts, and to try to slay him–to KO Floyd Mayweather, a la Dr. Cress Welsing’s ancient Moorish bull, or Osiris the “Lord of the Perfect Black”. We’ve reached a crossroads, again.

Micro-Extinction Level Events


In this 24th episode of The MAPP, we consider how a white-supremacist nation might try to make disappear an entire section of society. What would happen if the federal government decided to destroy all major prison facilities at once? Who would come crying in attempt to redeem the martyrs? Also, in light of the Charlottesville, WVA nazi parade, we bear witness to the beating heart of a supposed “western” “christian” nation. We remember the slain martyr Heather Heyer.

The state-sponsored murder of Mike Brown


In this 23rd episode, we remember Mike Brown on the 3rd anniversary of his brutal slaying at the hands of a Missouri state-sponsored murderer. We also take a closer look at “the gun”, through the lens of it being an organic objectification of an innate unknown, and as subconscious manifestation made by genetically-recessive mutants who live in constant fear of people with melanin. Mike Brown’s horrible abuse and murder are modern technologies of a dying, racist system. We are almost out the other end. Hold on y’all!

Democracy Been Dead

images-3In this 22nd episode of The MAPP, I go on a brief rant based on recent thoughts and readings around the work of John I. Goodlad – a decent dude to be sure, yet we mourn the circle of friendship due unto each one of us. We fall and fall again on the way to school, in the classroom, on the freeway to another meeting–democracy is a was. We still obey the motion of a dead industrial framework, whilst children stare away–far away from what we are doing, wanting them to do. Whose children? And how…

Goodlad, J.I., (1997). In praise of education. New York: Teacher College Press.

Goodlad, J.I., (2004). A place called school. New York: McGraw-Hill Books.

Goodlad, J.I., Mantle-Bradley, C., Goodlad, S.J., (2004). Education for everyone: Agenda for

education in a democracy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Goodlad, J.I., (2015). New schools, new teachers. Bloomington, IN: Agency for Instructional


Reeder, J.M., (1999). Renewing high schools: What John Goodlad says…. In Sirotnik, K.A.,

Soder, R., (Eds.) The beat of a different drummer: Essays on educational renewal in

honor of John I. Goodlad. (pp. 119-128). New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Resnick, M.A., Bryant, A.L., (2008). School boards and the power of the public. In Goodlad, J.I.,

Soder, R., McDaniel, B., (Eds.). Education and the making of a democratic people. (pp.

161-180). Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.